Introduction of the BXH lending protocol

2 min readOct 14, 2021

The BXH lending protocol will be launched on BSC soon.


The BXH lending protocol is a smart contract lending project. It is modified based on the Compound protocol. BXH aims to accomplish staking on multiple chains and is committed to becoming a one-stop DeFi platform.


Credit line = market value of staking assets * staking rate

For example: the staking rate of BTC is 85%, for 10000 USDT worth of BTC, up to 8500 USDT worth of BTC can be loaned out.

Interest rate model

Capital utilization rate = total loan amount / (capital balance + total loan amount-reserves)

When utilization rate ≤ margin interest rate (90%):

Loan rate = base interest rate + utilization rate * utilization rate multiplier

When utilization rate > margin interest rate (90%):

Loan rate = base interest rate + utilization rate * utilization rate multiplier + margin interest rate * margin interest rate multiplier

Deposit rate = base rate + subsidized interest rate on deposits + utilization rate * utilization rate multiplier

BXH loan products are demand loans, whose interest rates are automatically calculated according to an automatic algorithm (important!)

Liquidation rules

Loan utilization rate = actual loan amount/credit line of the account

Maximum secured loan amount = credit line of the account * 85%

When the loan utilization rate exceeds 100%, the BXH lending protocol will trigger liquidation

Risk warning: As the loan utilization rate approaches 100%, the liquidation risk increases.


1: If you need to deposit tokens, select the token in the [Deposit Market] and authorize the deposit

2: After completing the deposit authorization, start staking in [My Deposit] to earn interest;

3: If you need to borrow tokens, you can authorize the loan after you complete the deposit

4: After completing the loan authorization, select tokens in the [Loan market] to initiate the loan.

5: According to the deposit tokens, staking rate, and the maximum secured loan amount, each token has a maximum credit line

6: View loan information in [My Loan], click Repay to proceed with the repayment

Future deployments on more public chains are in progress.

Multi-chain deployment, BXH keeps involving!




BXH (Bitcoin Dex on HECO) is an innovative Dex trading platform developed based on Huobi ECO Chain.